Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Ahead and Enhancements!

Happy Spring to everyone in the blogosphere! What spring means to me:
  • Time to start planning my herb/veggie garden.
  • More daylight, which means I might be able to photograph things I cook after work. Natural light definitely makes food look the most attractive, so I am glad to have more of it!
  • The start of grilling season. I really heart grilling, and we now have a sweet roof deck to grill on!
  • My favorite seasonal produce. About now, I start dreaming about berries, melon, cherries, asparagus, basil, green beans, mint, strawberries, zucchini, and more. Drool.
  • I'm getting married! By the time summer hits, I will already be a Mrs. !!!

And as for the enhancement, I wanted to let you know that I've made a nice addition to Consumed that I'm rather excited to share with you. Ready for it?

Drumroll please...(how does one type out a drumroll?)

At the end of each recipe post, there now will be a link to the recipe in printable format. Like so:

I told you this was exciting!

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be back-filling previously posted recipes. So feel free to revisit any of your former favorites to print off a copy for safe-keeping.

Happy spring, and I hope you have a delicious week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me retry that! I love the printable part! Now I don't have to cut and paste-you know how good I am at computer stuff. FYI, the fig tree is in the ground...spring is surely here!

  3. Great idea! I also hope to plant several window boxes here in Istanbul soon so I can easily access a snippet of herbs when needed. Spring is here!

  4. Isn't working on the design of your blog big deal? I don't know about you, but I am always thinking about ways to make it more user friendly ... the move to do 'printable recipes' is a real help for folks who don't want their computers on their countertops when making a recipe from a website. Great move!

    As for Spring arriving ... one can hope, but we here in New England are bracing for one last snowstorm ... fittingly enough on April Fool's Day ... Mother Nature's cruel joke. Guess I'll make soup...


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